Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

From child labour to children in charge. A handbook on child-led organisation and advocacy on child labour

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Save the Children Sweden

“From child labour to children in charge” is a handbook that provides theoretical and practical knowledge on child-led organisations and advocacy on child labour and is based on five years of field experience in Bangladesh. The project ‘Child-led Organisation and Advocacy on Child Labour’ targets children engaged in hazardous work in Bangladesh and focuses on the participation of these children in activities and decisions concerning their own lives. Through participation, children become empowered and confident as they gain insight and understanding.They grow, mature and become more tolerant, empathic and independent. The many testimonials and case studies included in this handbook speak for themselves. This handbook also includes a detailed description of different methods and processes to help understand the basic ideas of child-led advocacy and translate these basic ideas into other contexts to benefit children dealing with different issues in other parts of the world. The document is published by Save the Children Sweden-Denmark in Bangladesh in close collaboration with INCIDIN Bangladesh, SEEP, BITA, Nari Maitree, UDDIPAN, CPD and Solidarity.

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