Child Friendly Schools and Care and Support in Schools

Child Friendly Schools and Care and Support in Schools

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UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund

This publication gathers articles of the theme of Child Friendly Schools and Care and Support in Schools. The first article of the UNGEI FORUM provides an overview of the first Multi-country Child Friendly Schools for Africa Capacity Development Workshop held in Malawi in August 2005. The following three articles highlight what the Schools for Africa Initiative offers to the participating countries. The article by Tizie Maphalala introduces the Education Ministers’ Forum on Care and Support in Schools held in Swaziland in September 2005. What follows are reports written by young people from Botswana and Lesotho who participated in the Swaziland Forum. “Child Friendly Schools for Africa” is a global initiative which attempts to accelerate access to quality basic education for all children and especially for girls, orphans and other vulnerable children in six East and Southern African Region (ESAR) countries: Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

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