
Campaigning to save children’s lives. EVERY ONE Campaign Progress Report 2012

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Save the Children International

This annual progress report has been prepared as part of Save the Children’s worldwide EVERY ONE campaign launched in 2009 to achieve the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, which calls for a reduction by two thirds of the mortality rate of children under five by 2015. Although the total number of under-five deaths in the world has declined from more than 12 million in 1990 to 7.6 million in 2010, it’s still not enough to achieve the MDG 4 target by 2015. Millions of children are needlessly dying from conditions that are treatable and preventable like pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles, and malnutrition. Children dying from a lack of food causes at least one third of all deaths of children under five. Working towards 2015, Save the Children and its partners around the world will continue to work on the three key issues that will have the greatest impact on reducing the numbers of children dying: (i) Place a health worker in reach of every child in need – health workers provide life saving treatment to the children who need it most; (ii) Vaccines for all – world leaders can save four million more children’s lives by 2015, by agreeing to an ambitious global vaccination plan, ensuring that the poorest and most disadvantaged children are immunised wherever they live; (iii) A life free from malnutrition – working together with governments to introduce targets and plans to reduce stunting and ensure that every family can provide their children with a nutritious diet.

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