Beyond the Numbers: Investing in Georgia’s Children for a Sustainable Future – A Child Rights Perspective on the SDGs (Voluntary National Review – Georgia 2024) thumbnail

Beyond the Numbers: Investing in Georgia’s Children for a Sustainable Future – A Child Rights Perspective on the SDGs (Voluntary National Review – Georgia 2024)

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Save the Children Georgia,Save the Children International

This report presents a compelling child-centered perspective on Georgia’s progress on the SDGs, strengthened with data from official international and national sources. By weaving together statistical analysis, and a comprehensive assessment of policy environments and practices, the report evaluates Georgia’s performance through the lens of the five core principles: Universality, Leaving No One Behind, Interconnectedness and Indivisibility, Transformative Change, and Partnerships. It is intended to supplement and validate the experiences of children as outlined in the Child-led National Voluntary Review 2024 – “Growing Up in Georgia – Young Voices for a Sustainable Future” elaborated by the children engaged in piloting of the Children’s Scorecard methodology

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