
Best Practice Workshop Report ‘Protecting adolescents from gender based violence through the promotion of their sexual and reproductive health rights in Yemen, Lebanon and oPt’

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Save the Children Lebanon

This report documents the proceedings that took place over the course of a four-day workshop from October 15th-18th of 2012 in Amman, Jordan. It describes the best practices and lessons learnt developed by the workshop’s participants for protecting children and adolescents from gender based violence through the promotion of their sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in Yemen, Lebanon and oPt. The workshop, organized by Save the Children, is part of the EC-funded three-year project implemented in three countries in the MENA region entitled “Protecting adolescents from gender based violence through the promotion of their sexual and reproductive health rights in Yemen, Lebanon and oPt”. The workshop served as a platform for implementing parties, service providers and external organisations to share knowledge on a national and regional level as well as to discuss lessons learnt and possible solutions to challenges faced. It also provided an opportunity for the participants to share their experiences regarding the promotion of SRHR.

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