Baseline Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) for the Addressing Climate Threats to Integrate Children into Education 2023 (ACTIVE) project from Save the Children International, Vientiane, Lao PDR thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Baseline Survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) for the Addressing Climate Threats to Integrate Children into Education 2023 (ACTIVE) project from Save the Children International, Vientiane, Lao PDR

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Laos

The ACTIVE project’s objectives align with Save the Children’s broader mission, seeking to empower children, caregivers, and local authorities to understand and address the multifaceted challenges posed by the climate crisis. This involves enhancing knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to climate change adaptation and resilience-building in daily life.

With a focus on Sepone District, where school enrollment rates are notably low and dropout rates are concerning, the ACTIVE project aims to bolster climate resilience in education. Climate change poses significant risks to children’s education, including disruptions to schooling, health impacts, and exacerbation of existing vulnerabilities in rural communities and among marginalized groups.
The research questions are as below:
RQ1: What level of knowledge (RQ1-I), attitudes (RQ1-II), and practices (RQ1-III) do school children, teachers, village authorities and caregivers in the target area have about the potential or actual impact of climate change on their everyday lives and the education sector?
RQ2: Are potential or actual impacts of climate change on children’s school attendance known (RQ2-I), perceived (RQ2-II), and reacted to (RQ2-III) by the target groups?
RQ3: What effects do children’s gender (RQ3-I), ethnicity (RQ3-II), and disabilities (RQ3-III) have on the conditions investigated above?
RQ4: What are the most appropriate ways to convey topic-related information to the target groups?

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