2485 Kriscentrum.pdf_0

Barnet i centrum. Rädda Barnens Centrum för barn och ungdomar i kris

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Save the Children Sweden

A booklet describing Save the Children Sweden’s (SCS) work at the “Crisis Centre for Children and Young People”, helping children and adolescents deal with the aftermath of an emergency. SCS’s Centre for children and adolescents has been active in Stockholm since 1990 and has now expanded its family support services into three other cities, providing advice and assistance to children and youth who find it helpful to talk to an adult about the critical situations that many of them face. International cooperation between the local Centre and the offices abroad was strengthened during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster and subsequent emergency situations. The booklet describes how the Centre treats children who have been affected by war and armed conflict; who are victims of violence and sexual abuse; who are in mourning; and who are in conflict between two cultures. It also describes how Save the Children Sweden gives support to parents through its Parental Hotline.

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