Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Baby Friendly Spaces: Holistic Approach for Pregnant, Lactating Women and their Very young Children in Emergency

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English, French


(2.3 MiB)


AAH, Action Against Hunger,ACF, Action Against Hunger

This technical manual from Action Against Hunger (AAH) provides comprehensive technical and operational guidance on Baby Friendly Spaces, a model of intervention for a holistic program to support pregnant, lactating women and their children in emergency situations. The intervention aims to prevent the increase of malnutrition, morbidity and mortality rates, help the family to adapt care practices to the emergency and post-emergency context, improve the well-being of pregnant women, infants, young children and their mothers/ caregivers, taking into account life experiences, past and present difficulties, provide a safe and private space for pregnant, lactating women and their infants, help families to facilitate child development and survival, prevent or reduce the negative effects of unsolicited and unmonitored distributions of breast milk substitutes and provide appropriate and sustainable solutions for infants for whom breastfeeding is not an option.

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