
Assessing the Impact of Integrated Aid on the Household Economy of Syrian Refugees

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Save the Children International

The prolonged crisis in Syria has led to the massive displacement of many Syrians and the arrival of over one million refugees into neighbouring Lebanon. Save the Children, with funding from DFID, has been a key player in delivering essential support to an estimated 472,500 severely and highly vulnerable refugees in the Beka’a and Akkar Governorates. The objective of the HEA research was to assess the impact of the integrated aid package on the household economy and decision-making of severely vulnerable Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The study was designed to measure the impact of integrated aid on economic targets such as survival food energy needs and income poverty thresholds. The study was also designed to capture shifts in their spending patterns and decision-making, and to understand how households coped with income gaps or food gaps. The research design used an individual HEA approach.

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