Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Asia-Pacific Climate Change Capacity Statement

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Save the Children Asia Regional Office,Save the Children International

Children in the Asia-Pacific region are disproportionately affected by the climate emergency, with Save the Children’s consultations with over 30,000 children in eight countries revealing that their rights are being eroded and inequalities are increasing. A recent analysis by Save the Children also found that 349 million children in Asia are both living in poverty and are exposed to high climate risks.

The regional capacity statement highlights Save’s role as a catalyst in providing opportunities to children and youth-led movements to connect to inter-governmental regional and global accountability and learning mechanisms, empowering children’s voices, and leadership in the climate movement through campaigns like ‘Red Alert’ and youth-led accelerator models like ‘SHIFT For Our Planet’. It further sheds light on Save’s effort to facilitate inclusive consultations on loss and damage and funding modalities between leading think tanks and child-focused, youth, LGBTQI+-led, and indigenous peoples’ organizations. It also talks about the role of our community-led adaptation and disaster-risk reduction projects, including the world’s largest locally led and inclusive adaptation project in Vanuatu funded by The Green Climate Fund.

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