
“The Art of …” videos

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Save the Children

Watch Save the Children’s new short videos communicating our approaches and results seen through children’s playful perspective! The videos illustrate the The Art of Mobilizing, The Art of Providing Evidence, and The Art of Speaking Out. Each video presents a concrete example of how the particular approach was used and implemented. 

The Art of Mobilizing

This video illustrates, through the clever use of spontaneous music, Save the Children’s method of mobilizing people to achieve change.

By mobilizing parliamentarians to demand that children are visible in the Bangladeshi national budget, the public can know how much the government is investing in children.

The Art of Providing Evidence

Save the Children’s complex, detailed process of providing evidence is depicted as children play and work together in the sand.

By providing evidence showing that children don’t get their fair share of public spending in Nicaragua, we have achieved a 92% increase in average municipal spending in children.

The Art of Speaking Out

Save the Children employs multiple methods of speaking out to achieve change, as the children in this video playfully illustrate.

By speaking out, we got child rights into the new Constitution in Kenya and corporal punishment of children is now prohibited by law. 

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