Afghanistan Joint Response DRA Project Endline Assessment thumbnail
Study: Assessments

Afghanistan Joint Response DRA Project Endline Assessment

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Save the Children Afghanistan,Save the Children International

Afghanistan is confronted with the challenges of climate changes and drought, which has a massively impact on agricultural livelihoods and food security. Kandahar, a province greatly impacted by the issue, faces challenges in accessing water, which negatively impacts agricultural output and livestock farming. Different survey uncovered significant levels of food insecurity within households, characterized by severe hunger and decreased food consumption. These issues were further intensified by conflicts and economic difficulties. A survey conducted in northern provinces previously (mix method study) emphasized the influence of increases in food prices, the COIVD-19 pandemic, and droughts on water and sanitation concerns.

The WASH cluster has identified pressing requirements, particularly in Kandahar, for a secure water provision. Save the children executed the Afghanistan joint response (DRA) in Kandahar, specifically targeting the adverse effects of conflict and displacements onvulnerable populations. The DRA baseline 2022 survey revealed pervasive challenges in fulfilling fundamental necessities, inadequate dietary diversity and acute hunger. During the endline, project primary outcomes indicators are assessed with a specific focus on WASH, health and nutrition, household food security, MPCA and humanitarian aid, and accountability. Data were collected from 370 households in four districts in Kandahar, by interviewing the head of households and caregivers of children aged 5 years old or younger. The key takeaways by outcomes are as below

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