Advancing SDGs and Realizing Children’s Rights in Nepal: Child Informed SDGs review report thumbnail

Advancing SDGs and Realizing Children’s Rights in Nepal: Child Informed SDGs review report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nepal

In July 2024, Nepal will present its third Voluntary National Review (VNR) at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development. Given the crucial importance of children’s rights in achieving and sustaining the SDGs beyond 2030, we strongly assert that children’s needs and perspectives must be integrated at every stage of SDG implementation, evaluation, consultation, and reporting. Hence, this report has been prepared in consultation with children, civil society
organizations, and experts. For which, a Child Scorecard (CSC) approach was utilized to understand children’s opinion and perception on the gains made by Nepal to achieve SDG and provide critical inputs on the progression being made using child-friendly consultation and discourse tools, such as, an emoji board. During the consultation, the child participants ranked the level of implementation of each goal studied through the children’s scorecard. Secondary sources were also utilized to triangulate the quantitative data.

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