Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Adolescent Wellbeing Framework – A Critical Opportunity to Fulfil Human Rights and Drive Change

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Save the Children International

Today, around 1 billion adolescents live in developing countries and 145 million live in extremely poor households. Save the Children is committed to ensuring that every one of  these children is supported and empowered  to achieve their full potential and to fulfil their human rights, including their rights to survival, protection, development and participation.

Adolescence is one of the most critical stages of childhood, involving rapid physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.  It provides a window of opportunity to build on investments in two other key stages of childhood –  the first 1,000 days and early childhood – to achieve  a ‘triple dividend’ of positive change: improving adolescents’ wellbeing now, improving their future  life chances, and improving outcomes for the next generation of children. However, despite their unbounded potential, adolescents also face increased risks of gender-based discrimination, violence, mental illness and exploitation.

Throughout this framework for action, there are examples of excellent work being carried out by  Save the Children and other organisations with and for adolescents, which demonstrate the importance and impact of programming and advocacy focused on adolescents. These examples have been compiled in the accompanying Catalogue of Key Resources.

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