Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health 2013 Factsheet

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Save the Children US

Save the Children’s success in adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) programming lies in adopting evidence-based interventions which are designed to suit local social and cultural norms. Its global ASRH programs span the reproductive health lifecycle, with special attention to the needs of very young adolescents (ages 10 to 14), preventing early pregnancy, and addressing the needs of young mothers, who typically lack access to sexual reproductive health (SRH) services. Save the Children is also actively engaged in efforts to make ASRH information and services a routine part of the service delivery package in emergency settings — a critical and neglected gap in most emergencies. Moreover, the organisation’s work is enhanced by addressing the gender and social norms that create barriers to SRH information and services for adolescents, leading to poor SRH outcomes.

This document is a factsheet summarising Save the Children’s work on adolescent sexual and reproductive health.

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