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Save the Children US
Over the last decade, there has been increasing global interest in adolescence (10-19 years of age) as a critical life stage for improved nutrition. Evidence suggests the potential for ‘catch-up growth’ that can lead to positive outcomes for boys and girls in adolescence, into adulthood, and for their future children. Currently, most nutrition policies, services, and programs focus on childhood and adulthood, but miss the stage in between. Save the Children (SC) recognizes the importance of the adolescent life stage in its Adolescent Wellbeing Framework for Action. To grow SC’s programming in this area, Save the Children USA (SCUS) has spearheaded an Adolescent Nutrition Initiative. This landscape analysis is the first step in this process, analyzing the current evidence and programs, key gaps, and recommending strategic areas of focus for SC. The report triangulates data from an evidence review, partner research, and key informant interviews conducted in June and July 2022.
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