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Best Practices/Lessons Learned

Global Fund Program in Nepal: Accomplishments and lessons learned

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Nepal

The Global Fund aims to support national response to address HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria. The grant activities work in partnership with communities, civil society, health professionals, and the private sector to combat HIV, TB, and malaria to ensure a safer, healthier, and more equitable future for all. The program design follows a participatory, transparent and bottom-up approach, that makes the Global Fund grants unique. The initiatives under the program are specifically designed to address the national disease burden and the needs of the key populations and people living with the disease.
Grant activities are customized to focus on need identification of the key populations and the health system, designing interventions to cater to these needs ensuring alignment to the national response, while investing in the removal of gender and human rights-related barriers to ensure that the health care services are accessible, affordable and effective for the marginalized key populations.

Save the Children is the sole Principal Recipient (PR) for all three grants of the current New Funding Model 3 (NFM3) from 16 March 2021 to 31 July 2024. Through this program, Save the Children is working in collaboration with all three tiers of government in Nepal to strengthen the national responses in ending AIDS, TB and malaria in Nepal. These program activities are implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP and its three entities, namely the National Centre for AIDS & STD Control (NCASC, the National Tuberculosis Control Centre (NTCC and the Epidemiology & Disease Control Division (EDCD. The targeted interventions for the key populations and the people living with HIV are implemented by the community-led organizations i.e. sub-recipients (SRs.

The program activities are implemented in all 77 districts of Nepal, focusing on 55 districts for HIV and 42 districts for TB and risk wards as per malaria microstratification. The activities are implemented through government service delivery points and 31 SRs for the general population at risk of HIV, TB and malaria infection, people/women who inject drugs (PWID/WWID), migrants and their spouses, prison inmates and people/women/children living with HIV, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer+ (LGBTIQ+) and the young key population.

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