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Abbattiamo il Muro del Silenzio: Bambini che assistono alla violenza domestica

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Save the Children Italy

In Italy, 427 thousand children witnessed direct or indirect abuse at home towards their mothers, almost always at the hands of man.

The dossier shows that among women who have suffered violence in their lives in Italy, over 6.7 million women (representing more than 1 in 10), have been afraid that their lives or those of their children were in danger. Furthermore, in almost half of domestic violence cases (48.5%), children have directly witnessed abuse, while in more than 1 in 10 cases (12.7%) women report that their children were direct victims of the abuse.

 As for the perpetrators of the violence, data on people with convictions of family maltreatment more than doubled in the last 15 years, from 1,320 in 2000 to 2,923 in 2016. Data also shows that in almost all cases (94%) convicts are men between 25 and 54, the time frame in which men usually enters fatherhood.

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