roll out guide
Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

A Multi-Sectoral Framework for Action Roll-out Guide

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Save the Children International,UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The Multi-Sector Framework for Action Roll-out Guide is UNHCR-Save the Children resource that complements the “IYCF Framework” (Infant and Young Child Feeding in Refugee Situations: A multi-sector framework for action). The guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to roll out the IYCF Framework in refugee operations.

The IYCF Framework Roll-out Focal Point will find operational guidance and tools within the package to coordinate activities across stakeholders in order to drive forward the Objectives and Actions of the IYCF Framework.

This Roll Out Guide was produced through a partnership between UNHCR and Save the Children with support from La Caixa Foundation.

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