2024 Save the Children Malawi Nkhotakota Floods Situation Report thumbnail

2024 Save the Children Malawi Nkhotakota Floods Situation Report

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Save the Children International,Save the Children Malawi

Due to El Niño, heavy rains have hit hard central and northern Malawi, causing floods in Karonga and Nkhotakota districts. In Nkhotakota district, the flooding came as result of heavy rains from 24th February to 1st March, affecting 80,434 people (including over 48,000 children) and killing 8 people, including 2 children. Learning across 24 schools is disrupted.This, coupled with prolonged dry spells in the south, paints a grim picture for Malawi’s food situation.

In Nkhotakota, the floods have severely damaged the Waterboard’s water supply scheme, affecting 797 water points. Roads to most affected locations are impassable, impacting relief efforts.

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