USAID Lishe Endelevu

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                                                      USAID Lishe Endelevu

                                                      Lishe Endelevu was a five-year cooperative agreement, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, with the goal of improving the nutritional status of women of reproductive age, children under five, and adolescent girls across 23 councils of the Dodoma, Morogoro, Iringa, and Rukwa regions of Tanzania. Led by Save the Children, the Activity was implemented in collaboration with four consortium partners: Deloitte, Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania, Africa Academy for Public Health, The Manoff Group, and seven civil society organizations at the community level. Lishe Endelevu contributed to the improved nutrition status of women of reproductive age, children under five, and adolescents by 1) strengthening multi-sectoral coordination for improved nutrition at local government level; 2) improving health, nutrition, caregiving and water, sanitation and hygiene behaviors; and 3) increasing access and availability of diverse, safe, and nutritious foods.

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