Ungumi: Reaching the Poorest through Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Rights

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                                                      Ungumi: Reaching the Poorest through Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services and Rights

                                                      This project aims to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights for 62,000 rural adolescent boys and girls (between the ages of 10 and 19 years) in and out of school. It is designed to address the social, cultural, and gender barriers faced by adolescents and promote cultural and behavioral change within communities in three districts in the Zambézia province (Milange, Morrumbala, and Derre). It highlights the goals of reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in the target communities and reducing adolescent girls’ absenteeism from school due to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), CEFM or other Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) challenges, such as Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). The reduction of both of these is instrumental in helping girls gain or maintain control over their lives.


                                                      Este projecto visa melhorar a saúde e os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos de 62.000 meninos e meninas rurais (entre 10 e 19 anos) dentro e fora da escola. Foi concebido para abordar as barreiras sociais, culturais e de género enfrentadas pelos adolescentes e promover a mudança cultural e comportamental nas comunidades em três distritos da província da Zambézia (Milange, Morrumbala e Derre). O projecto tem como objectivos principais de reduzir os casamentos prematuros nas comunidades-alvo e reduzir o absenteísmo escolar das raparigas devido a VBG, casamento prematuro ou outros desafios de SSR, como Gestão da Higiene Menstrual (MHM). A redução de ambos é fundamental para ajudar as raparigas a ganhar ou manter o controlo sobre suas vidas.

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