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The Saving Women and Preterm Babies (SWAP) Project in Bangladesh (January 2022 – January 2025) and Uganda (November 2021 – November 2025) aims to increase the survival of small and sick newborns, as well as prevent and manage specific maternal health conditions which can result in mortality and preterm births. In both countries, SWAP utilizes innovative technologies, including the Vayu Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, and cutting-edge clinical decision-making tools (e.g., PRISMS in Uganda), as well as trainings and mentorships, to improve care for small, sick, and preterm newborns in health facilities. Trainings, mentorships, and quality improvement initiatives are also implemented in project facilities for the improvement of maternal health care, such as the identification and treatment of preeclampsia/eclampsia and postpartum hemorrhage. Finally, SWAP uses other technologies, such as NeoNatalie Live, and new packages, like Family Centered Care (Bangladesh), to enhance trainings for health care providers. Overall, the SWAP project draws from the latest evidence and technology to save maternal and newborn lives.
Save the Children staff can also access additional SWAP internal resources:
Key Baseline Findings: Saving Women and Premature Babies (SWAP) Project in Uganda
Key Baseline Findings: Saving Women and Premature Babies (SWAP) Project in Bangladesh
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