Recognizing the protracted nature of mixed migration flows in the Balkans, the Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub (BMDH) was established to ensure that children on the move are protected and that their voices are heard. BMDH operates as part of the Save the Children’s North West Balkans Country Office and draws on the expertise gained in responding to the refugee and migrant crisis in 2015 and 2016. Working with a wide network of experienced local partners, we provide insight into the Balkans migration trends (covering Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Kosovo*) with a focus on refugee and migrant children. We conduct targeted research initiatives to inform programming and advocacy for the most vulnerable children, shedding light on new or particularly interesting trends. We develop, test and document good models and practices in programming for children on the move, enabling replication in similar contexts.
Save the Children North West Balkans – Balkans Migration and Displacement Hub